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   God has been at work in the North and the South, but still I have not seen him.  Yet God knows every step I take; if he tests me, he will find me pure.  I follow faithfully the road he chooses, and never wander to either side.  I always do what God comands; I follow his will not my own desires.  He never changes.  No one can oppose him or stop him from doind what he wants to do.  He will fulfill what he has planned for me; the plan is just one of the many he has; I tremble with fear before him.  Almighty God has destroyed my courage.  It is God, not the dark, that makes me afraid–even though the darkness has made me blind. (Job 23: 9-17)
     That verse can pretty much sum up all that God has been doing in me.  I have made my home in Mexico for a month now and I can honestly say that everyday goes by a little faster.  God is working in me in more ways than I can even comprehend.  My team has become a family, this place has become my home, and this journey has become my life.   In this past month I have turned from the path of burden and shame where I once was lost, and I have stumbled onto the path of the Holy Spirit, which by God’s Grace has allowed me to follow.  I have discovered that home is not a place or a group of people, but it is God; for God never changes and He is with me wherever I go.  The only thing that I can rely on is God’s consistancy of working in me and through me regardless of whether I can feel it or see it.  He is with us always and we are all united by His love.  I have learned that my community around me–the people that I love–is the constant reminder that I am not alone; that I am loved and cherished and I am here for a purpose that is greater than even my greater understanding.  I have wholly committed my life to following that Spirit which has given me life and freedom. I have devoted my life to worshipping He who never fails to love me; to Him who is greater and more mysterious than all human understanding.  I am learning to walk in unison with the Spirit of God, to live boldly for His purpose, to be a humble and faithful servant to His Kingdom, to be a warrior in His army and above all to love Him with all my strength and all my heart so that I may love His people the way that He loves them.  What God has planned for me I cannot imagine but with confidence I can say that He has transformed me and He will do great things with me and through me.  I look forward to this adventure and I live in every moment knowing that I am right where I am meant to be.
     Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and all your mind, and with all your strength.  The second most important commandment is this: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’  There is no more important than these two.  (Mark 12:30-31)